Let's Be Real...TNA Need's A Good TV Deal
FINALLY after years of putting in work, producing good angles, matches, and events the masse's are taking notice. Sure their partnership with WWE has helped bring more awareness to what they are doing, but the TNA roster has been consistently producing. They have a world champion that has organically gotten over with the fan's, The System is the heel dominating group, and foundations of TNA the X and Knockout Divisions are still stealing the show.
They just sold out a live event at Full Sail University for Impact, their big events are selling out and they are looking to expand into new markets. Things are on the up and up for TNA, but they still need one thing to help them gain more fans. That is a quality television deal with a network that is accessible, TNA currently airs on AxsTV but that's not cutting it.
Yes, Anthem is the parent company of both TNA and AxsTV, but AxsTV is a third tier cable channel available in less than 50 million homes. And even though we are in the cord cutting streaming era that is the now and the future, TNA need's to grow their fanbase and viewing audience. The quickest way to do that is cable TV with a reasonable night and timeslot. Or a streaming platform that has the infrastructure in place and want's to grow their share of the market. Hell WWE is about to debut their evolve program on Tubi, so the opportunity is there.
I know TNA has their own streaming platform in TNA +, which is fairly priced at $9.99 for the basic tier with two higher tiers available. However, in this world where everything costs an arm and a leg including the cost to breath, there come's a point where folks hit a limit on streaming apps and other discretionary expenses thus TNA's streaming app may not make the cut when it come's to belt tightening. However, if they are on another platform and fan's with the discretionary income or younger fan's with no real expenses yet like what they see, they just may subscribe to see what they have been missing out on.
I personally am rooting for TNA to continue on this upward trajectory, but until they land a deal on a struggling cable network (which one's aren't struggling these days) or a streaming platform willing to take that leap with them. They will continue to just be playing catch up.
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