Random Wrestling Rants
I'm by no means a wrestling guru, analyst, or any of
the sorts. I'm just a guy that loves wrestling and offering my thoughts. Heres
some of my random rants about this past week in wrestling.
The Hurt Business
I've always been a big fan of MVP and Shelton
Benjamin, MVP could and still can wrestle and has mad charisma and personality. Shelton is one of the best
pure wrestlers I've ever seen and still is a high performer who can make anyone look good. To me Bobby Lashley while talented is hit or miss.
I like the name Hurt Business and I like the three of
them together. I just dont see this unit going far with all three members in
their forties. It's been hinted at MVP is trying to recruit Apollo and Cedric
Alexander, maybe even Ricochet.
While Apollo could benefit from being with them, I think he also may be better developing his personality on his own. I'm all for Cedric and Ricochet turning heel and
joining the Hurt Business though. Both guys are great workers with amazing
athleticism, but they dont have much personality or direction right now. Put them with MVP to talk for them, while helping them develop mic skills and their personalities they will become legends.
Melissa Santos in Impact
This has been one of my pet peeves since Impact has
started airing on twitch. I like Melissa Santos I think she brings alot to the
table as a interviewer/commentator for Impact. I just absolutely hate her
segments during commercial breaks.
Besides technical issues which are quite often. I
believe she rambles a bit much, and doesnt really cover the product. I think
her segments should be set up like news breaks "hey this is what
happened", "we still have this to look forward to". Also throw
in a little gossip I hear so and so is out for revenge, there maybe something
big on the horizon. Maybe even brief interviews with wrestlers on the roster to help get their characters over. More promoting the product then talking nonsense.
RAW Underground
Shane McMahon is back and he's hosting Raw
Underground. Customary with WWE there was no real explanation of what raw
Underground actually is, or what to expect.
At first I was very critical of raw Underground. I'm
willing to let this play out for a few weeks and see where it goes. If it plays
into an interesting and exciting storyline or truly introduces new stars I'm
all for it. If it continues to be a shitshow I'll change the station and it
will eventually die off.
On the other hand the photoshopped Def Jam Vendetta cover displays some potential for Raw Underground. Since debuting comparisons to the mid 2000s video game Def Jam Vendetta have been made (including one by Xavier Woods). Which could lead to something, if WWE actually has competitors fighting towards something. Notoriety, a trophy, cash, or something tangible that makes it worth fighting for, the concept could work.
Pat McAfee/Adam Cole
When Cole caused a stir on Pat McAfees show a few weeks back, everyone
debated was it real or a work? Sure is looking like a work now with Pat showing up on NXT and attacking Cole. The two will now meet at Takeover. I know in these desperate times, WWE will do what they can for some mainstream appeal and ratings pop. I for one dont want to see that match, if anything
I would be more interested if Pat hired a NXT wrestler, someone the audience wouldnt expect to fight his
NXT Sidebar: In my personal opinion El Legado del Fantasma is the best story in NXT, and Santos Escobar is a Star. I hope Santos quickly advances from the cruiserweight divison and moves up for the North American title eventually to the NXT championship.
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AEW Womens Tournament
AEW's Womens division Deadly Draw first episode was this past Monday. The show was brisk clocking in a little over a half hour, some of the matches were eh. I do like the randomness of picking a tag partner and am happy to see some wrestlers get a paycheck, even if its just for a match. This week featured Ariane Andrew's formerly Cameron in the WWE, and Tay Contani formerly in NXT. Second generation wrestler and former NXT talent Rachel Ellering will appear on this weeks edition. My hope in the coming weeks is that more female talent from the indys is bought in to shine and bring eyeballs to their individual skills.
This past week a new faction appeared on WWE TV, known as retribution the goal of these masked bandits is to cause chaos in the organization. Friday night on Smackdown, they ended the show with "damaging" the smackdown set. Namely spray painting the plexiglass and using a chainsaw to cut the ring ropes. It's hard to tell where this angle is headed, and guage the impact of Fridays segment with a real audience present to cheer or boo. There were five members who appeared Friday and at least two were females, all under 6 feet tall. It'll be interesting to see who is revealed as being under those masks, and if there are more. I'm willing to see how this goes, one thing I do hope is that the group attacks WWE headquarters. I personally think that would make a difference in them being seen as a serious threat.
That's all for my rants this week, leave a comment and follow the IG page @talkinsuplexesblog
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