This Is The Roman We've Been Waiting For


Since returning to the WWE at the end of last month's Summerslam Roman Reigns has been the best thing going on Smackdown. I always felt like Roman was unfairly judged by wrestling fans, is he the most technical wrestler there ever will be? No, can he wrestle and entertain? Yes. Was he shoved down our throats by Vince McMahon and crew? Absolutely! Roman was rejected because he was deemed a product of the machine by wrestling fans, but his new persona shows the machine was right to back this dude.

When the Shield debuted in 2012 Dean Ambrose (Jon Moxley) was the unhinged mouthpiece, Seth Rollins was the workhorse, and Roman was the laid back muscle of the group. As they disbanded Seth and Ambrose found new personas, while Roman was deemed the successor to John Cenas throne. However, WWE didn't know how to package him maintaining the same Shield look and theme music, giving him ridiculous sad ass promos , and uninventive nicknames such as "The Big Dog". No matter how much he was at the top of the card all cylinders never clicked at the same time.

Now upon his return becoming the latest Paul Heyman guy, the laid back muscle with a hint of evil is working. His feud with his cousin Jey Uso has gave both a new purpose and I personally hope their feud extends until Hell In The Cell. The WWE has done a wonderful job bringing their relation and background into the feud giving folks a reason to care. The way Roman has shown family isn't always first and no one will take his throne has given people a reason to see him get his ass whopped.

His next big test will be who he faces after his friend with Jey is over with, but the "Tribal Chief" will be up to the challenge. Along with word that we will slowly see a change in his presentation. This is the Roman we've been waiting for, the Roman we deserve, and the Roman that will cement his legacy in WWE. I'm all for heel Roman for as long as possible, until his eventual slow burn back a that time fans will appreticate Roman even more.  


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