Maybe It's Me
Maybe It's Me but the recent WWE draft was a complete shitshow. Pro wrestling requires some suspension of disbelief to buy into the product and world being built, just like any movie or TV show. Sometime's that suspension of disbelief requires logic to be thrown out the window as well.
We all know the WWE throws logic out of the window all of the time, especially when they see fit to continue narratives. The recent draft that started last Friday during Smackdown and ended on this week's Raw was branded as shaking things up.
It didn't shake up a damn thing. Now since the brand spilt WWE's drafts have always been shaky. For some reason this one took the cake for me, the logic behind who was drafted didnt make any sense. There was some shock value such as the New Day spilting, and Elias returning but other than that things remained the same. Instead of capping off storylines, WWE "drafted" all of the participants to the same show to continue the story.
Case in point the already over drawn out story between Seth Rollins, Murphy, and Rey Mysterio and family. All were convinently moved to Smackdown, Bray Wyatt was drafted by Raw and oh look so was Alexa Bliss, and later Nikki Cross. Many major players stayed on the same brand, and no one from NXT was called up to offer some fresh competition.
During these time's I understand the roster is limited and the WWE is working with what they have. Fan's are always looking for something different in stories and presentation, and this draft was both a ratings grab and half ass attempt to make it appear they're trying.
Honestly there best bet would have been to keep both brands with their current rosters until the end of the year, or they came up with a compelling reason for switching superstars on the brands. Maybe it's me but it's ok to keep the status quo when there is no viable option. In this case there was no better option than keeping the status quo.
Sidebar-This weeks edition of Raw was one of the worst in recent memory. The WWE dropped the ball by not having Retribution appear this week, and have Mustafa Ali give his mission statement. Retribution started out with potential, dragged on too long before revealing members, and revealed them lacklusterly and devoid of there's the word again LOGIC. Mustafa Ali may be the saving grace and he should have appeared this week to detail why he leads Retribution.
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