Nostalgia is a hell of a tool and drug wrapped into one. We all reminisce about a time when things were much simplier. No matter if they were good or bad, those memories defined that time. Last week, WWE bought back fond memories for many wrestling fans when they revived Halloween Havoc and Spin the Wheel make a deal, for this past week's edition of NXT. The card itself was an enjoyable night of matches featuring storyline advancements, enough shenangins to fit the mood, and did I mention enjoyable matches? Shotzi Blackheart did a good job as the host and the set helped invoke the atmosphere.

This past summer, WWE revived The Great American Bash and In Your House. For the past few years they have branded glorified house shows around thanksgiving called Starrcade. So that got me thinking, what events are still in the vault they should revive? I left out some popular WCW events like Bash At The Beach, Slamboree, and Superbrawl because frankly I dont know if Cody own's the trademarks on them now or WWE still does. Anyway on to my list of 10 events to revive.
10. No Mercy
No Mercy was held from 1999 until 2008, and reused in 2016 an 2017. Honestly there is nothing special about the event and no theme to fit it. I honestly just like the title and if two wrestlers need to settle a score they can use the No Mercy tagline. It also conjures up thoughts of the classic Nintendo 64 video game which is always a plus.
9. WrestlePalooza
WWE has yet to revive any ECW events, I truly believe it's because they don't see any value in bringing them back or can't figure how to theme an event around it. My simple answer would be because ECW as a company wasn't around long enough for their events to leave a legacy.
Wrestlepalooza was held four times, in 1995, '97,'98, and 2000. There's no theme behind the event itself but the name Wrestlepalooza is prime for an NXT special. Featuring the best of the best of in ring talent putting on wrestling clinics, and WWE will surely make a way to use the Palooza part of the title.
8. Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday
WWE was a little ahead of the curve with their "interactive" pay-per-view allowing the fans to vote and select the type of matches throughout the card. Of course a good portion of it was still predetermined and the votes were likely skewed to accomodate what WWE felt their vision necessitated.
The concept itself actually is not a bad idea. There does need to be a little more planning regarding the voting procedure and timeline of votes needed to be submitted before a match is announced. The next time the need arises for NXT to be held on a Tuesday night, they could promote the supercard of Taboo Tuesday. Feel like occupying a Sunday night slot? Bring back Cyber Sunday for the NXT brand.
7. Capital Carnage
Back in the late 90's early 2000's I use to love going to Blockbuster and renting the UK exclusive pay per view events. Insurrextion, No Mercy, Mayhem in Manchester, Rebellion, and of course Capital Carnage. The title Capital Carnage was only used once in 1998, and honestly is mostly memorable for Sable ripping off Jacquelines top which when your 12 years old is the highlight of your life.
Now that WWE has NXT UK and they need to bring in as many subscribers as they can. A NXT UK event utlizing this event name may intice folks to check the network out. NXT UK is also more straight wrestling focused, a hint that some wild things may occur also wouldn't hurt.
6. Guilty As Charged
Here's another ECW event that could use some rejuvenation. Most feuds start because one party is guilty of doing something to the other party. Robbing them of a championship or championship opportunity, injuring them, or slighting them in some way. All kickstarters to a feud, so why not take pride in being guilty of these actions?
We don't need any wrestlers court crap crammed in, but the event would be a good way to lay some feuds to bed. And we just need that one heel for the event (Ciampa) that is proud to be guilty as charged.
5. The Wrestling Classic

Even under the WWE system, NXT at most is a super indy system with the machine behind them. It's also clear the powers that be in NXT love to reach back into the past and pay homage to it. Look at the design of the North American championship and think of the new name for the arena the Capitol Wrestling Center.
They should bring back The Wrestling Classic as a supercard. The original Wrestling Classic held in 1985 was a 16 man tournament won by Junkyard Dog. Pretty much the entire card was held over the course of the event, now for a TV program that may not work but the concept certainly does. Have some preliminary matches for the tournament held the week before, and the quarter, semi, and finals held on the next weeks show. An all tournament epsiode will give their iron men of the roster time to shine, and it break up the monotony of the program for a week. Exactly what the men in the tournament would be fighting for is anyones guess, but I love a good tournament and would be here for a one night special.
4. New Years Revolution
New Year's Revolution was only held for a few years '05, '06, and '07. The event's aren't necessarily held in high regard, but the '06 edition if most famous for Edge
cashing in his money in the bank and defeating John Cena. Sidenote: looking back Edge and Cena's feud maybe top ten feuds within the past 15 years.
Back onto the event itself while not memorable it had a kick ass set, and actually an idea could work. Use the new year to reset just as society does. Have the first NXT show held in the new year as a supercard, put to rest a couple of feuds that carried over from the previous year. At the same time setting up some new feuds, goals, and title contenders leading into Takeover during Royal Rumble weekend.
3. Heatwave
WCW had Bash At The Beach and for a time Beach Blast, while WWE has Summerslam as one of their big four events. ECW had Heatwave which was their premiere summertime event running from 1994 until 2000. Now WWE is likely not to bring this back because in their mind it may take some focus away from Summerslam, as the go to wrestling event of the summer.
It's a perfect tagline to use in conjunction with Summerslam as a NXT Takeover subtitle, with Heatwave having several meanings. Heatwave could mean it's hot as hell outside, it could mean NXT is going to bring all the heat Summerslam weekend, it could also mean some real hot shit is about to go down. WWE just needs to wake up and use this intellecutal property.
2. Uncensored
WCW Uncensored started in 1995 running until 2000. The idea behind uncensored was that WCW sanctioned all matches to have pretty much anything goes rules. Now Extreme Rules is pretty much Uncensored, but I like the Uncensored name better. In fact this doesnt have to be an NXT exclusive event, make it a WWE event replacing Extreme Rules.
WWE doesn't really hold hardcore matches anymore and a card full of gimmick matches just may wear out it's welcome quickly. However, it could also work..I mean at this point they really should try anything to get their creative mojo and fans back.
1. Spring Stampede
Spring Stampede along with Halloween Havoc and Bash At The Beach was WCW's trifecta of themed pay per views. Just like Halloween Havoc was synonoymus with the graveyard set, and Bash At The Beach had the beach layout, Spring Stampede had a old wild west rustic set helping to give it a "special" atmosphere.
I'm not too sure that theme would work today, but I do know the name definitely work's and that it could be updated if needed to fit modern interpretations of the name. WWE/NXT don't let us down and bring this event back sometime right before or after Wrestlemania as a supercard.
That's all for me folks, follow the blog on instagram at talkinsuplexesblog stay safe and catch you next time.
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