Replay Those Old Commercials


I'm a very nostalgic person, I love going back and watching, or stumbling across things that were very popular when I was a kid. I enjoy watching the first few episodes of a rebooted TV show to see how much is bought back from the past. Nostalgia is a powerful tool and companies know that which is why they're always digging in the crates to revive something.

While brainstorming content to write about I stumbled on some old WWF Toy Commercials and wondered...why the hell aren't these replayed on the WWE network? Not Just toy commercials but video game commercials old advertisements from Macho Man's Slim Jim days, Chef Boyardee ads, Stacker 2 and many more over the year's.

These commercials could be added as a collections subsection to the network just for fun. Even better would be to have the old commercials air between live programs, alongside promos for recent content. Another option would be to have them air between on demand programming of past years, the commercials of that era could play between programs loading.

I'm not 100% sure if WWE owns the advertisements or if the product manufacuters own it, especially in regards to WCW and ECW. If I had to guess I would say yes they have some sort of ownership rights to the ads. If they do why they hell are they sitting on this goldmine? In this hypercompetive streaming world we're in now, content providers need to do as much as possible to stand out.

It would be something small but in my opinion it would be completely worth it.


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