Bray Wyatt To Impact?

The rumor mill recently starting churning that Impact Wrestling is heavily interested in signing Bray Wyatt.

As it is the norm these days when news broke Bray was released from the WWE, fans automatically assumed AEW would snatch him up when his 90 day no compete clause expired. When that clause does expire if Impact is able to sign Bray. It could be a game changer for them. 

Despite providing consistent quality programming the past three years, many fans still refuse to give Impact a chance. Even when Kenny Omega appeared on Impact with the AEW championship, many refused to tune in because it was Impact.

Impact has a quality roster of very talented veterans and future stars who don't yet have that name value. But what Impact is missing is that one superstar who can get them over the Hump. That superstar who could bring in new fans. That superstar with just enough name value that people take Impact serious. That larger than life have to tune in to see what they are doing this week superstar. 

Bray Wyatt could be that guy. Evident by his time in the E, he puts his all into his gimmick. I've also heard he has a very creative mind for the business. If there is one company who gladly accepts the outlandish cartoony side of wrestling, it is Impact. Just look at their Su Yung/Father Mitchell undead realm segments or the wacky wrestle house segment. 

Fans were jaw dropped shocked when Bray was released. Many were outraged at the lack of opportunity or the constant stop and start pushes he received in WWE. They will gladly follow him to a new promotion to see how he does when the leash is not as tight.

I personally think he would get lost in AEWs upper tier of talent. While in Impact he no doubt would be theee guy, even if he is not in the main story or championship run. He would grab the audience attention no matter what angle he is apart.  I for one thinks if Impact is able to swoop in and sign him, both sides would benefit tremendously. 

The clock is ticking until October and we will patiently see where he lands.


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