The Real Deal: Give D'Lo His Flowers


As a kid growing up during the Attitude era, D' Lo Brown was one of my favorite wrestlers. He started out in the WWF as a background member of the Nation of Domination. Eventually moving to the forefront as a core member of The Nation that fans remember and love to this day. Sandwiched between outsized persoanlities like The Rock and Ron Simmons it took a while for D'Lo to find his way.

He first came into his own as a member of The Nation when Ken Shamrock injured his chest, forcing him to wear a chest protector. Then came his European Championship win and the hilarious act of being billed from a different European country during ring introductions. Then came the Smokey inspired trash talking head bobbing and strut.

As The Nation disbanded and he teamed with Mark Henry, he displayed more personality. His head banging theme song helped his personality shine. Leading up to the Summer of '99 when he became a dual European and Intercontinental champion. At that point there was no doubt in my mind he would become World Champion within a matter of tine. Not knowing the politics and business of how wrestling works behind the scenes, I just knew D'lo was the next man up.

Unfortunately the in-ring accident with Droz slowed down his momentum and eventually he never found his true footing in the WWF again. He spent time in TNA/IMPACT most notably teaming with AJ Styles and being an member of Ace's & Eights. He also spent time in the indys before becoming a trainer. He now works as a producer and commentator for Impact and has done well in his role as a commentator.

D'Lo had charisma, was crisp in the ring. His Sky high finishing move  was simple yet effective, followed by his frog splash which could bring up a spirited debate about if it is top 5 or not. Marking someone underrated is often subjective, but I truly think he was one of the most underrated stars of the attitude era, among the conversation when it comes to Black wrestlers, and just in general. On the same token, when I read forums amongst fans and talk to follow wrestling fans, everyone loves D'Lo. 

He deserves to join Ron Simmons, Mark Henry, and Godfather in the WWE Hall Of Fame. In fact the Nation as a group deserves that honor, but that is a story for another day. D'Lo Brown was and still is the man and deserves his flowers now!


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