Story Time: My 2 minute Interaction with Scott Hall

I met Scott Hall at Wrestlemania Axxess in 2017. Its been said many times but growing up as a wrestling fan he was just so damn cool and it was so natural, it was almost a given he was one of your favorites.

The morning of Wrestlemania 33, my wife and I were getting ready to leave the hotel and head to Axxess. I was undecided on which t-shirt to wear. My choices were a Razor Ramon shirt and another one I honestly don't remember which shirt it was. My wife probably was annoyed with me and ready to go, said just wear the Razor shirt. Shouts out to her for that good call.

We get to Axxess and they are just starting to let folks in. As we're walking around looking at who will be available for meet and greets, she sees Scott Hall headed to his signing station. We weren't far from it but we did a quick mad dash to his line to secure a good spot.

As I get closer to the front of the line, a photographer comes up to me and says we're going to take a professional photo of you two. What else could I say but "OK cool" ?

I walk up to Scott and he compliments the shirt, while I try to think of something quick to say to one of the coolest mofos on the planet up there with Samuel L. Jackson. I just tell him how much I love his work, got his autograph took the photo and I went on my way. A WWE employee walked up to me to sign a release form, and presto later that day I got my fifteen seconds of fame.

Our photo was on WWE's website. What more could you ask for as a wrestling fan? In those brief couple of minutes I could tell he was a cool guy who appreciated all the love fans were still showing him.

For us fans it's the opportunity to tell wrestlers how much we enjoy their work, and walk away with a lifetime memory. 

When I sit back and think of the small things that came together for that moment. My wife encouraging me to wear the T-shirt, the pure coincidence that he was at that Axxess, and someone from WWE seeing me waiting in line and thought it'd be good PR. All were small acts of fate coming together for that lifetime memory for me.

Hall's passing and me being able to look at the pic. Is a reminder why every chance we get, we should attend those conventions and meet the people who made us fall in love with the crazy world of pro wrestling.


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