Finn In Judgment Day..It Only Makes Sense


On the latest edition of Monday Night Raw Finn Balor joined The Judgment Day. Now full disclosure I predicted this would happen and planned to drop this blog before Hell In The Cell, but other stuff came up and I was like eh fuck it. Well didn't happen at Hell In The Cell and he didn't turn on AJ and Liv like I thought he would. Instead in a swerve he joins Judgment Day in a rather dull way, before they turned on Edge kicking him out of the group.

Now before all of this occured, Edge teased Finn among other's on the roster as possible new members. Finn stood out to me for a few reasons. One Finn has just gotten stale, since coming back up from NXT in what effectively rejuventued him he has not done anything meaningful. He was in desperate need of some kind of character adjustment. He showed a more vicious side in his attack on Edge so that's a start. Although I doubt we will see it Finn's dark alter-ego of "The Demon" fits the vibe of Judgment Day. 

The other reason I believed it made sense is Finn would be a perfect teacher to Rhea and Damien Priest. From a pure wrestling standpoint Finn is maybe number two on the roster behind AJ Styles, maybe even eclipsing him depending on how you slice it.  I figured Edge would fall back from in-ring competion and Finn would lead the charge helping the other two improve their in-ring psychology and other nuances while in ring. Now Damien Priest is not a young guy from a wrestling perspective, he'll be 40 this year so only 1 year younger than Finn. He has some years left to possibly become a consistent main eventer and maybe Finn will help him get there. However, Rhea Ripley is certainly poised to be a centerpiece of the womens roster. Working closely with Finn may help her accelerate her status into her role.

Here's what I don't get now that this has played out and they've kicked Edge out the group. None of those three are particuarly strong talkers, so who takes the reign as the leader and mouthpiece? I would assume Finn is the new leader, but he doesnt make you hate him on the mic like Edge does. Either way I think this new pairing for all parties involved and is one that just makes sense. 


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