Intimidation In Wrestling...It's Missing
Pro wrestling is a fascinating world. It's an athletic competition based around storylines and predetermined outcomes. It is no different than TV shows and movies except the culmination of events occur inside the squared circle. There are roles and personalities for wrestlers to portray. Egomaniacs, narracists, the always happy, chipper guy, confident but not cocky, eccentric, the sniveling heel,outlandish and brooding are some of the common personality traits.
One big personality trait missing in the world of wrestling today is that of a intimidatior. I just can't help but notice it is a dying personality trait in wrestling today.
I'm talking a guy who has that look that says "don't fuck with me" and mean it. Who looks like he can take on 5 guys at once and come out of the fight without a scratch. Being a big guy helps in physically portraying that intimidating character, but the psychology of it has to be there too.
When you look at intimidating wrestlers of past years. You think about guys like Meng, Umaga and Vader, Sid Vicious, Kane and Bam Bam Bigelow (big guy with a shaved tattooed head is definitely scary). Ken Shamrock who wasn't a big guy but had that I'll kill you look. The concern that he could snap at moments notice and any one in his surrounding area could get a suplex followed by ankle lock submission made him dangerous.
Taz who surely is not a big guy but could suplex the heaviest of them and place them in a submission lock made him dangerous. The Road Warriors were intimidating because of they're look, with the face-lift and spiked shoulder pads. Scott Steiner the muscle bound atheletic freak who would say anything was intimidating. They all carried a intense look about them. The kind your grandma would look in they're eyes and say that boy crazy don't play with him.
The only truly intimidating wrestlers I can think of today is Brock and Walter..I'm sorry Gunther. After that it's slim pickings, many wrestlers who could potentially fit the intimidation bill are portrayed as aloof.
Based on his sheer size Omos had potential, but WWE rushed him to the main roster. Had he been allowed time to really learn his way around the ring, his presence would have been super intimidating.
Miro while a big but not huge guy can be intimidating based on how he's presented. His new "redeemer" persona could be intimidating, but his presentation and matches have been inconsistent.
Titan formerly known as Braun is a perfect example. A huge guy who resembled Ogre from Revenge Of The Nerds. He was intimidating as a memeber of the Wyatt Family and a brief time after that, until he won the tag team titles with a referees son. Then was bullied over his mental health on WWE TV, the train went downhill after that.
Killer Kross had that "look" in Lucha Underground and Impact, even a tad bit in NXT before his balls were cut off on WWE's main roster. Since he's back in MLW lets hope that true savage instinct of Killer Kross returns. Madman Fulton in Impact has the size, same for Mads Krügger in MLW. Somethings just not clicking enough with them to be presented as truly intimidating.
Parker Bordeaux fit the bill as a intimidating guy, until he cut his hair and followed Joe Gacy around NXT as Harland. Now that he is no longer in the WWE system. There is hope for him to become a true intimidating force.
The lack of intimidating wrestlers is a problem across the landscape of the industry. Let's hope someone wakes up and realizes that important piece of the wrestling puzzle is missing.
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