Ministry Of Darkness 'Taker Is Underrated

 Mark Calaway is a legend of the business who spent 30 plus years portraying one character The Undertaker. One reason he was able to have such longevity in the business, was because he protected his character and frequently reinvented himself.

If you ask people what was the best version of 'Taker. Some may say The OG old west Mortician 'Taker. Others may say American Badass, some may say the late 2000s-2010s Taker who became an attraction simply for the streak.

I think one of the best versions of Undertaker that is highly underrated is the Ministey of Darkness Undertaker. He really bought into his role as a Santanic cult type leader. The rituals and attempted embalmings. From his dark priest robe, the underrated Ministry theme. How he strutted to the ring and the manner he spoke in, even the way his goatee was trimmed.

This Undertaker was indeed scary. He sacrificed victims and members of his own legion, attempted to crucify opponents. Played mind games. Everything about this version was designed to get fans to hate him and it worked.

Some parts of his act were hokey and done in very poor taste (Bossman hanging looking at you). The act also lost most of its luster when it was revealed he was following the orders of a higher power known as Vince McMahon. 

From September of '98 to June '99 or so that reign of Undertaker, was a true reign of terror. He was a master manipulator, frightening, and a true cult leader. For obvious reasons some may not have been fans of this particular version, but it definitely deserves more credit.

This segment sent chills to me as a kid and still does.


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