Contract Signing Debuts Should Be Used More


In the world of wrestling there are several ways to debut a new member of the roster. Debuting wrestler interrupts a current roster member promo, leading to a back and forth exchange. New Wrestler has a series of vignettes promoting their appearance, and my personal favorite. They just show up, attack a wrestler, and leave. In the social media age AEW sometimes announces a signing with the signature #allelite post.

While there is always debate about the best debuts of all time. Along with the best way to debut a wrestler. One rarely used option that is highly effective, is the press conference announcing a new signed.

It does a few things, it's rarely used so it stands out. It paints a picture that this new signee is a big deal, a game changer. It also vibrates that big event feel that promotions love to present. 

When I thought about how infrequently this method is used and started doing research. I only came across two significant times this was used. Brian Pillman joining the WWF in 1996 and MVP being announced as "signing" with Smackdown.

That's to be fair my research may just not been through enough. Even if that is the case, it's still a underutilized tactic.

I'm hoping all of the pro wrestling organizations, think outside the box a bit more. The next time they sign the next playmaker to their roster, there's a kayfabe press conference to announce it.


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