30 Years of Raw, Another Plea For A 2 Hour Show

Note-This article was written before the Vince McMahon coming back, potential sale (That Saudi rumor while still a rumor is worrisome) movement began.

 It's 30 years of Monday Night Raw. An staple for the WWE that's been an dominant force on Monday nights. We've went from the Manhattan Center to the "RAW" sign in small arenas to huge entrances in arenas full of thousands. 

A reliable form of programming for the USA network. Other than the 5 years Raw was on TNN, the two have been inseparable. You can't mention USA network without mentioning Law & Order SVU marathons and Monday Night Raw. I'm honestly shocked there was no Monday Night Raw documentary on peacock telling it's history, lost opportunity there. 

While the official celebration is set for January 23rd in Philadelphia, we all hope it's smoother than the 25th anniversary. I have one request for the future of RAW, now it maybe a moot point with the rumored potential sale of WWE. However, the meat of this article was written before Vince McMahon came back to the board so I'm sticking with it's original message.

Please for the sake of retaining fans and creating new fans. When renegotiating with Comcast  or any other suitor swings back around, negotiate to move Raw back to two hours. I've written about it before, and I'm doing it again. 

That's how important it is. 3 hours is simply too much of a commitment and nowadays and often a chore. While the presentation and layout of the show has changed since Triple H took over, and it has been more entertaining cutting out a lot unnecessary fluff. I often turn RAW on out of habit and see how things kick off, but by 9:00 pm it's background noise as I tidy up around the house. 10:00 hour likely to miss most segments as myself and my family get prepared for the next day.

I know it's a chore for the writing team and wrestlers to create a compelling 3 hour show every week, no matter how hard they try. This summer will make 11 years since RAW went to 3 hours of that extra brain burnout. 

WWE learn from this past decade, be agile and adapt to the current time and viewing habits. If whoever gets RAW pushes for a 3rd hour think outside the box and create a new program similiar to a Tuesday Night Titans or PrimeTime Wrestling. Or make RAW Talk a USA network show. Something, anything is better than 3 hours weekly at this point.


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