What If..AJ Styles Returned To Impact?


Picture it, One of Impact Wrestling's bigger event's Slammiversay or Bound For Glory. Let's say Moose is waiting in the ring for his surprise opponent when the light's turn down, and over the PA system "I Am I Am" blasts through the arena. The crowd going apeshit as AJ Style's came strutting out to the ring returning home for one last run.

With Impact Wrestling recently resigning Kazarian who is a Impact legend and member of the X-Division godfathers I like to call them (Kazarian, AJ, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels). It got me wondering what a AJ Styles return would be like. After all TNA/Impact is the house that AJ Styles built, you cannot mention a TNA/Impact Mount Rushmore without including AJ on it.

AJ could be the guy who help's bring viewers back to Impact. Impact has been consistently putting on quality matches and shows, and yet keep's getting disregarded by many fan's due to several issues of the TNA era. Impact also doesn't have someone who is "That Guy" to bring in common fans, a AJ Styles return could possibly bring them back. Think of matches he could have against a Speedball Bailey, Chris Bey, Ace Austin, or Jonathan Gresham (Of course considering those guys would still be with Impact).

Now AJ Styles is reportedly signed to WWE through 2024, with his recent injury keeping him out for a while and how WWE contract's are structured they could keep him until 2025. At Which point he would be roughly 47-48 year's old. He'd had to slow down for sure, but with the Impact schedule the way it is he would not be wrestling nearly as much. Advancements in technology, training and nutrition he probably wouldn't look like he was pushing 50.

To me it would only be a fitting end to a storied career of AJ returning home. Right now it's a what if scenario, in a few year's it possibly could be a defining moment in wrestling history.


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