TNA Stocks Going Up
At Bound For Glory back in October, Impact Wrestling announced they were rebranding in the new year returning to the name TNA. The announcement was spearheaded by a well produced cinemaic video featuring members of the roster. Followed by a passionate promo from Scott D'Amore flanked by some of those same members of the roster in the ring. There was instant positive buzz about this move from fans.
Returning to the TNA name could also bring back the naysayers. Those who left through the turmoil of various regimes, and for whatever reason could not accept the name Impact Wrestling.
Impact has a very talented roster and seems to find a way to give everyone something to do. Roster members Alex Shelley, Eric Young, Chris Sabin, and Kazarian have been around since the early years. TNA OG's I like to call them, producers Gail Kim and Rhino are also considered TNA originals. With their knowledge of the company's history and talented skills, they will know what to do and not to do in thie era
They are going all out with this rebrand The company plans to improve their production and presentation. From the set to the ring and everything in between. I personally believe Impact Plus will receive an upgrade too, and maybe they have another TV deal secured they are keeping under wraps.
I'm excited for Impact/TNA and what's to come for them. I hope they expand and hold shows in new markets (Baltimore..hint hint). Just like the roster and audience were, when the announcement was made. I too am giddy at seeing TNA return.
Here's to looking to the past to expand in the future.
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