Hear Me Out: Bring Bolieve Bo Back


Hear me out folks, it was an open secret that Bo Dallas was poised to be Uncle Howdy before his brothers Bray unfortunate untimely passing. He has been left in limbo since then sitting on the sidelines while WWE figures out what to do with him next.

Some people have clamored for him to return as Uncle Howdy and finish the story as best he and the WWE can in Bray's absence. I think it's time though that we as people Bolieve once again.

During his time in NXT and first couple of years on the main roster, Bo had a cheesy over the top, always positive movtivational gimmick. It worked within the confines of Full Sail where he was a dispised heel. On the main roster he mainly was used as a jobber and comedy act. 

That doesn't have to be the case here. He can be a dual act villain. Corny in front of people trying to motivate them and make them feel he cares and wants them to succeed. But soon as he can, or thinks no one is looking he does something mischievous to gain an upper hand.

Bolieve 2.0 may even work better in NXT as a solid veteran for the next generation with work with. The character had the right ingredients the goofy grin, the pep talks, the inspirational theme song. Of course the vignettes. A true throwback to characters of yesteryear that fans would instantly turn against.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to Bolieve again.


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