March Random Rants
Whew it gets old saying, but it's really true. Time and these months start to become a blur after a while. Just like that March is over and it was a busy month in the world of wrestling.
Sting retirement at AEW Revolution could not have ended any better. Sting went out on top as the super hero he is. I thought it was really cool his sons accompanied him to the ring cosplaying as previous eras of him. I'm sure it was a touching moment for all three.
I also thought it was cool WWE acknowledged his retirement match on Monday night Raw the following night. In the back of my mind I wonder if Triple H kind of regrets how Sting was handled in WWE.
Speaking of Sting and Revolution. I don't get the appeal of his former tag Team partner Darby Allin, yes he's a risk Taker that can take a hell of a bump. Anyone willing to abuse their body like that for the sake of entertaining others, you have to commend. I just don't see anything else about him pass that.
I think Swerve vs Samoa Joe at Dynasty will be in the words of JR a slobberknocker for sure. Joe will come out on top to continue the feud and Swerves slow burn to the next big babyface in AEW. Then Double Or Nothing Swerve will win and the MGM arena may not be able to contain all that fan excitement.
Mercedes Moné is officially all elite. She seemed well rested, excited and happy to be back. Folks are giving her shit about her promos, but to be honest her promos in WWE were just as bad. Talking is not her strong point, but her in ring skill and how she carries herself more than make up for it.
Unless I missed it, is Jericho doing like an retirement tour? Where he just is wrestling competition he wants to give a rub to or close a chapter on? He'll be 54 this year and has been in the industry for almost 35 years. He has more matches behind him than in front of him, so if he just wants to show up and wrestle no more no less. I'm fine with that he deserves it.
Santana is no longer with AEW, while he was very active on the indy scene and could make a good amount of money there. A MLW or return to TNA could be massive for his singles career.
I'm a fan of unsanctioned championships in promotions, as long as it's a reason for a wrestler carrying it around. Whether it be storyline related or a wrestlers ego, but I think it's time the FTW championship is retired. It's serves absolutely no purpose in AEW. Get rid of it and focus on legitimate championships.
I don't think he is a bad wrestler but Karrion Kross is missing something and it seems like everything he's apart of right now is just boring. Outside of his brooding persona, he doesn't display much of an personality. Scarlett Bordeaux doesnt stand out amongst the female roster. His alliance with AOP isn't working either. The feud against Lashley and The Street Profits just isn't exciting and I look forward to it ending.
Maybe Kross should cut his hair and go back to that hitman look, with Scarlett by his side take on a APA mercenary type role. Become a big bad, do the dirty work of anyone who is willing to pay, while Scarlett is the negotiator. Build up wins and notoriety like that and hopefully regain fan interest.
While we're on someone that needs to do something different. Tegan Nox I just don't get the appeal with her either, she is one of those wrestlers that is just there. While a solid wrestler, she doesn't stand out at all, and could benefit from going back to NXT.
Not sure if WWE realized it or it was pure coincide. 30 years after a brother vs brother match at Wrestlemania X. With Bret Hart and Owen Hart facing off. 15 years after a brother vs. brother match at Wrestlemania 25 with Jeff and Matt Hardy facing off. We finally get Jey vs Jimmy Uso at Wrestlemania XL.
Their feud will stretch out past Mania for sure, but whenever the time comes they reunite. I know whatever arena it happens in will go nuts.
I really liked the stage WWE utilized for RAW this past week, can we just please use that going forward? While the All-State Arena was genuinely sold out, the smaller scale entrance help's drive home a sold out event. With the way WWE is buzzing right now, I don't think they would have a problem selling out arena's and having a smaller scale entrance show throngs of people packed into a building. Optics means everything.
Is Chad Gable officially no longer with Alpha Academy?
I don't think it has been discussed enough but J.D. Mcdonough vs Ricochet and Andrade vs Giovanni Vinci were two damn good matches this past Monday night on Raw. People forget amongst the pomp and circumstances and storytelling, good matches are what helps bring folks in.
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