5 Bodyguards You Forgot About


When one thinks of the bodyguard role in pro wrestling names such as Mr. Hughes, Diesel, Chyna, Virgil, and Sid Vicious come to mind. The often towering or hoss figures, bodyguards are often talents with potential or don't have the personality that are attached to very charismatic wrestlers. Often protecting their "boss" and helping them achieve whatever wrestling goal they may have. It's a very important part in the roles of pro wrestling.

While the names mentioned above may be remembered by most wrestling fans. There are several wrestlers who played the bodyguard role, most have simply forgotten about. So with that, here are 5 bodyguards you've probably forgotten about. 

5. The Wall

In the fall of 1999, WCW repackaged the dancing machine German native Alex Wright as a stoic figure named Berlyn. To coincide with that name and gimmick, they assigned him a 6'8 protector known as The Wall. While Berlyn often attacked America, the gimmick didn't go far because fan's weren't sure what to make of it. WCW then branched The Wall off on his own, showcasing him as a dominant figure rising up the ranks.

While The Wall was talented, he was a victim of the turmoil occurring in WCW at the time and the different regimes and visions in charge in a 6 month timeframe. Once Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff took over, The Wall was repackaged as Sgt. Awol a member of the comedic ish faction Misfits In Action. After WCW was bought out by WWE, he was assigned to a developmental territory before being released. Working in the independents and overseas, before his unfortunate death in 2003 at the age of 36.

4. Jesùs

Jesuś was the bodyguard for Carlito when he was a top heel on the Smackdown brand in the mid-2000s. He debuted in 2004 and billed at 6'6 he aided Carlito Caribbean Cool in his feud with one John Cena as Carlito was trying to keep Cena from winning his United States Championship. Jesuś didn't say much on screen that I can remember, and was portrayed as truly a hired hand to do Carlito's dirty work. 

He was responsible for "stabbing" John Cena outside of a nightclub in one of the storylines. This angle was used to allow Cena to step away to film 2006's The Marine. That was the biggest story Jesuś was involved in before being released from WWE a year later.

3. Bam Neely

In the mid 2000's the Smackdown brand was ruled by a faction known as La Familia, formed out of the relationship between Vickie Guerrero and Edge. You probably remember other members of the group Chavo Guerrero and the Edgeheads (Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins). You probably don't remember Bam Neely who was Chavo's bodyguard and the enforcer for La Familia in general.

Thing was other than being 6'7, nothing else about Bam stood out. He was sloppy in the ring and one of those guys that were just there. He lasted one year in WWE before being released, and after spending some time in the indy's left wrestling entirely. He never won a championship in WWE and didn't do much that would make fans remember him 15 plus years later.

2. Asya

Asya was WCW's very blatant version of Chyna who was coming into her own in the WWF. She first appeared in the spring of 1999 as a random background character during skit's featuring Ric Flair in a psych ward. She soon joined the roster as Ric Flair and The Establishment's bodyguard initially given the silly name of Double D. In the fall of '99 she joined forces with the Revolution  in their feud with The Filthy Animals through the end of the year. In the beginning of 2000, after Revolution members Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn left the company to head to the WWF. She then engaged in some brief feuds of her own namely against Jim Ross caricature Oklahoma who was misogynistic.

After the WCW reboot bought on by Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff being bought to the company to turn things around. She sided alongside her husband Dale Torborg who portrayed The Demon in his feud against Vampiro. She was released in the summer of 2000 and left professional wrestling altogether. Never truly making an impact.  

1. Jackson Andrews

If you vaguely remember Jackson Andrews or don't remember him at all, it is alright. He appeared for a brief moment in the WWE as Tyson Kidd's bodyguard. He is truly a blink and you missed him guy in the world of professional wrestling. He was a prized prospect in the FCW system billed at 6'11 and 300 pounds that was called up to the main roster in late 2010 after The Hart Dynasty separated. Upon his debut he attacked DH Smith and later had a stand off with Mark Henry. And that folk's was truthfully the extent of his time in the WWE.

After a few weeks on the main roster he got sent back to FCW. Only to be released in the spring of 2011, and stepping away from professional wrestling. If you don't remember him, don't feel bad at all as he was around for a hot second.


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