5 Underrated Enforcers

 When you have a faction in wrestling or just someone watching your back. You need a good enforcer. Enforcers are the strong silent type's, the muscle, sometimes powerful wrestlers lacking charisma placed with a more charismatic wrestler. Oftentimes they are introduced strictly to gain some momentum to break out on their own eventually. They also can be considered the glue that hold's units together in pro wrestling.

We all know guys like "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Batista, and Wardlow who played the role to perfection. Chyna was the ultimate enforcer for D-X always dependable for a good low blow, until she broke out into being a star all her own. Arn Anderson was nicknamed the enforcer because he embodied that role for the Four Horsemen. Hell you may say though other wrestlers had "bodyguards", he is the reason the enforcer role is so revered today.

Solo Sikoa bought back the alpha enforcer role the silent one who gets shit done back, when he joined the Bloodline in 2022. Now that he is the new tribal chief, he has Jacob Fatu as his enforcer. Who plays a more aggressive, harder to keep from breaking necks enforcer type. That got me thinking about 5 wrestlers who were actually pretty good enforcers, just never got the credit.

5. "Big" Dick Dudley

"Big" Dick Dudley was the eldest brother of the famed Dudley Boyz and the first to appear in ECW. Standing at 6'6 and 2 hundred and something pounds, as the big brother of the family he often dished out a lot of punishment for his brothers. Content being in the background while D'Von and Buh Buh Ray ransacked the tag team division, not only was he physically strong but mentally as he often led the direction of the group.

Since he was a member of the ECW roster during their true renegade promotion days, he is often forgotten as a damn good enforcer.

4.  Perry Saturn

When Perry Saturn debuted in WCW in the fall of 1997, he quickly partnered with fellow ECW alum Raven and joined his growing stable The Flock. When the group's trademark became sitting in the audience during matches and show's, Saturn was always seated right next to Raven. His right-hand man and enforcer. At 5'10 and billed at 240, he had no problem inflicting pain on anyone that Raven deemed needed it, and even stood toe to toe against Goldberg with no fear. 

Saturn later played the enforcer role when he joined Revolution, and later over in WWF land as a member of the Radicalz. Saturn had a take no prisoners, hard hitting style that was a mashup of technical skills, brawling, and martial arts. If he was given an assignment as the enforcer, he did it with ease. Which is what a true enforcer does.

3.Scott Norton

Scott Norton is a good case study of how different promotions treat certain wrestlers. In New Japan he was a highly successful member of the roster, winning the tag team championship twice. As well as being the world champion of the promotion on two separate occasions. While in WCW he was a member of the nWo, later regulated to the "B-team", and never sniffed a championship there. He was however the same hard hitting hoss in both promotions, that was very  agile for his 6'3, 300 plus frame. His nickname wasn't "flash" for no reason.

Often times during classic nWo beatdowns, he was the most aggressive member. The top dawgs need some protection, he was one of the first ones coming down the aisle. The target was starting to gain some momentum, here comes Norton to change the pendulum until the beatdown was over or Sting saved the day. He played the enforcer role to perfection and is highly underrated.

2.Tyson Tomko

Tyson Tomko's probably best claim to fame in wrestling is being Christian's sidekick. He debuted in the WWE in 2004, as The "Problem Solver", resolving any issues Christian may have. They partnered up for the next year, until the duo was spilt up during a draft and Tomko was pegged to be a singles star. Playing a monster heel type...it didn't go anywhere. He eventually left WWE, and spent some time in Japan before going to TNA and once again teaming with Christian in 2006.

There he came into his own while helping Christian build the Christian Coalition (which I am a stan for by the way). He had a certain swagger to him as the enforcer of the group and fans started to gravitate to him. It didn't last long, as Tomko could not sustain the popularity on his own. For a time however he was one of the coolest members on the roster, by simply being a great enforcer.

1. Mr. Hughes

When you talk about enforcers, Mr. Hughes is probably the top name you would think of a B-level list. He was a quality enforcer, and played the role for many different people, he just didn't make much of a impact inside or outside the ring. He's best known for his trademark fedora, shirt and tie with suspenders, and his famous frown. That looked showed he was a man about his business, the business of kicking ass and cashing checks.

He was the enforcer for the York Foundation and later Lex Luger in WCW. Shane Douglas in ECW, he made a cameo in the WWF as Triple H's first bodyguard until Chyna took over. A couple years later he stood alongside Chris Jericho during the fall of 1999. He never made much of a in-ring impact, but his mere presence always made his comrades in the ring feel secure. 


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