January Random Rants

 January was a long month but it's over. Here we are in February, Royal Rumble is tonight, and I have a few quick rants. Honestly my viewing of wrestling programs was in and out this month due to other commitments. 

Here's some very quick and brief rants.

Seeing a wrestling program open with Pointer Sisters I'm so excited is not what I expected. However I can see the rationale behind it, aew sells itself as they bring the excitement every week.

AEW did Megan Bayne a huge disservice during her debut. She is a star, unfortunately her introduction at Dynamite: Maximum Carnage was disappointing, simply because she isn't well known amongst the masses. 

They tried damage control but having vignettes for her the next week, but vignettes would have served her well from the beginning.

This topic has been beaten to death I'm getting use to hearing it, but i havent said it yet...Cope is just not it, just stick with Adam Copeland.

AEW has been killing it with their vignettes. First Bandido's Western inspired vignettes and now The Callis Family mafia family vignettes. 

I hope some more are lined up for The Callis Family to drop Easter eggs on who the new family member maybe.

Toni Storm has been masterful in her role, transforming back to Timeless Toni. Some people hated her reverting to the over the top gimmick. I loved it though, and am interested in what new roads she takes the character.

Kevin Owens is the king of trolling. Everytime he turns heel he invents a new way to be a prick.

I hope Chelsea Green's current reign does not end anytime soon. She has taken the ball and run with it and really buying into her character alongside Piper Niven. Shout out to them both they have been hilarious when they are on my screen.

Solo Sikoa being a lost man since he was defeated by Roman Reigns the tribal combat match, is a interesting new wrinkle in the storyline. It maybe the catalyst for Paul Heyman to turn on Roman Reigns.

The Bloodline storyline is far from over to me. Four years later I'm still enjoying the story.

So, PCO destroyed his TNA Digital Media Championship at a GCW event, apparently pissed at TNA management. I get being frustrated, but is with people acting out now when they salty about their work situation?

Alot has been made about wwe ring canvas having ad's now. However boxing and ufc has done it forever and TNA use to have it on their canvas, so it's nothing new.

Additionally a lot has been made of AEW holding events at smaller arenas. As a business AEW needed to pivot when the demand wasn't there and that's what they've done. It also has come across better on TV.

People seem to forget that TNA had to make the same moves. As well as WWE...remember when Monday Night Raw was held in gymnasiums and field houses?



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