My Top Ten Heel Turns
10.Batista Snaps on His Friend
9. Bobby Roode has Enough Beer Money
8. Don Callis and Kenny Omega Unite
December 2020, Dynamite: Winter Is Coming the main event between Kenny Omega and Don Callis shocked everyone, when Callis helped Omega defeat Jon Moxley to win the AEW World Championship. Seeds were planted ahead of the match that Callis and Omega had known each other for years and came up in the business together, so fans weren't surprised to see Callis by his side initially. Then the two scurried to a waiting vehicle where Callis announced Omega would appear on Impact Wrestling later that week, which Callis was a booker for at the time.
Unheard of in North American wrestling at that time, with a partnership between AEW and Impact (TNA). While the partnership could have been better, it led to Omega becoming the Belt Collector obtaining as many titles as he could just like Thanos did with the Infinity stones. Leading to Omega becoming a egomaniac and obtaining a squad to watch his back in his quest to hold onto the various championships.
7. AJ Lee Turns On John Cena
In the fall of 2012 Raw General Manager AJ Lee was relieved of her duties by Vickie Guerrero. This was during a time when Lee's character was presented as a bit of a man eater, who also displayed very erratic psychotic behavior. Guerrero accused Lee of being in a relationship with John Cena and having evidence she can produce. The two denied the accusations but eventually in time pulled together and actually formed a relationship.
Cena showed restraint but was a bit head over heels in love. At TLC in 2012, Cena was battling Dolph Ziggler when AJ Lee came out to ringside dressed in Cena's attire. There to support her man, she shocked everyone when she tipped over the ladder Cena was standing on allowing Dolph to win. And the very next night on RAW she confirmed Ziggler was her new love and bought a debuting Big E into the fold as their bodyguard. Also proving she was quite the bit of a mastermind heel.
6. Scott Steiner Becomes Big Poppa Pump
In early January of 1998 seed's were planted that something within Scott Steiner was changing. He was a bit more self-centered, focused more on his muscles and even showed up after a match ended in street clothes. While these slight changes were notable, I don't think anyone anticipated his full blown heel turn to join the nWo at SuperBrawl the next month. His heel turn came with a new look and more outlandish personality. Creating one of the most unintentionally hilarious wrestling personas ever in the Big Poppa Pump.
5. Triple H Turns On D-X
3. Seth Rollins Betrays The Shield
There were no hints of dissension amongst the group, everything was gucci as the kids say. Then Triple H uttered those famous words "Last Night was Plan A, tonight Plan B" and boom Seth Rollins attacked his comrades. It was a little confusing if he was the new addition to evolution to sell the past, present, and future angle of the group.
Eventually Rollins gained some comfortably in his new role, and the architect era was born. winning Money In The Bank, and performing the greatest heist of the century at WrestleMania in 2015. He learned how to adapt and reinvent himself, leading to other personas like the Messiah and the Visionary. The decision to break up the Shield broke so many hearts, that it's still mentioned anytime Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns face off to this day.
2. Owen Hart Has Enough Of His Brother's Shadow
Sibling Rivarly and living in the shadows is a very real thing that multiple people struggle with. As such it is one of the most relatable storylines wrestling can use. It has never been done more perfectly than the Owen and Bret Hart feud during the mid 90's. It started during Survivor Series '93 when The Hart Family faced off against Shawn Michaels and his team comprised of color coded knights. A miscue between Owen and Bret led to Owen getting eliminated and he was not happy.
He threw shots at Bret over time but still made amends in the name of family to work with his brother. leading to Royal Rumble '94 where Owen had enough. During a tag team championship match against The Quebecers, Bret sustained an injury and that caused them to lose the match. Owen viciously attacked Bret during the aftermath. Owen then went the route of the jealous sibling, accusing Bret of always holding him back. He became despicable but it led to Owen working to prove he was the better Hart brother and working to make people realize that.
1. Roman Reigns Becomes The Tribal Chief
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