Time To Induct The Nation Of Domination


It's time to put the Nation Of Domination in the WWE Hall of Fame. Whether you agree with the criteria and legitimacy of the hall, it's clear several people including many wrestlers feel it is an amazing accomplishment and honor.

The Nation already has 3 members inducted for their solo accomplishments (Faarooq, Mark Henry, Godfather). There are three members still not inducted for solo accomplishments. With one unfortunately will never be inducted in Owen Hart, D'lo Brown is more than deserving of a induction. And The Rock one of the biggest stars ever and a member of WWE's Board Of Directors surely is getting in one day just a matter of when.

When you look at the core members of NOD, it is amazing to see to truly see the pedigree. While The Godfather was a established WWF veteran when he joined the group. It's clear guy's like D'lo, Mark Henry, and The Rock either would not have reached the career heights they did, or it would have been severely delayed if not for joining the group. Ron Simmons likely taught them so much about the business and how to conduct themselves, they took it and ran with it. 

Here we are damn near 30 years later since the groups formation in 1996 and for going through multiple incarnations, and truly being a group for 2 years their legacy is stronger than ever. It's stereotyping and unfairly a narrow view of Black wrestlers, but anytime a group of Black wrestlers form a stable, they are instantly compared to the Nation of Domination. And in today's climate the militant message of the Nation resonates with a large consortium of fans. They didn't have catchy catchphrases or slogans, they simply took care of business and took no shit which alot of people connect with. 

WWE let's get this right and induct the Nation Of Domination as one of the few factions in the Hall of Fame. It's long overdue and those guys more than deserve their flowers. 


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