Top 10 Debuts

 Once upon a time before the internet was everywhere. Wrestlers joining a new organization was often a closey guarded secret. As such Debuts were often a beauty of surprises, sure there were vignettes announcing a new star was coming. The audience just never knew exactly when they were coming.

The right debut can instantly catapult a talent into a major player. Here's my favorite top ten debuts.

10. The Shield debuts

I really liked the original purpose of The Shield, hired mercernies who called themselves the Hounds of Justice. The "Justice" part was very subjective though and thats what kept it interesting. Injustices in their eyes were normal situations to everyone else. 

All three members of The Shield have had tremendous success within the WWE, the guy formerly known as Dean Ambrose is having a hell of a run in rival AEW. How The Shield debuted should have been a sign just how much the WWE valued and saw potential in these three gentlemen, and despite some misses they've been very successful. Making their debuted a historic one. 

9. AJ Styles debuts At Royal Rumble

Royal Rumble 2016 Roman Reigns waits as the number 3 entrant prepares to enter. Music drops, an unfamiliar theme then the words "Phenomal" appear on the screen as the crowd erupts. AJ Styles arguably the greatest in-ring active wrestler and possibly one of the best ever walks out. 

He put on a very impressive run in his debut, letting everyone know AJ Styles was ready to make an impact in the WWE. To this day he is one of their most reliable and over veterans they have, no matter what situation he is put in. His Royal Rumble debut is considered one of the top ten-twenty Rumble moments depending on who you talk to, the undisputed fact is his debut was phenomal. 

8. Jon Moxley AEW Debut


2019 AEW is the new kid on the block preparing to host their first show in May Double Or Nothing. Suddenly it's announced Dean Ambrose won't be renewing his contract with the WWE. Once his contract is up he will be a free agent. Speculation immediately ran rampant on the internet, is AEW a shoo-in? Will he go on the indy scene or possibly overseas?

May 25th, Las Vegas, NV AEW Double Or Nothing. Sure enough once the main event between Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega concluded, Jon Moxley appeared from the crowd and attacked both wrestlers. Moxley has been a staple talent for AEW since his debut, and that AEW was a message to WWE that they were ready to fight.

7. The Kid (X-pac) WWF Return

It's 1998, the night after Wrestlemania 14 the era of Austin has begun, the Attitude era is in full swing, HBK has left and D-X is in shambles. To pick up the pieces Triple H calls on an old friend to help him rebuild D-X and out walks the guy formerly known as 1-2-3 Kid, Lighting Kid, and any other variation of Kid in WWF and Syxx in WCW.

After an insulting firing in WCW, he came back to the WWF with an vendetta and something to prove. Before the use of "pipe bomb" as a fiery promo, X-Pac gave his own pipe bomb against Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, and anyone else who doubted the kid. His debut was a reflection of the new attitude of D-Generation X and the WWF as a whole.

6. Kane's Debut

In The summer of '97 Paul Bearer begin taunting The Undertaker of a little known secret The Undertaker has been harboring for years, and Paul was ready to share with the world. The mind games got to Undertaker as he prepared for a championship match against Shawn Michaels in the new match format called Hell In The Cell.

Hell In The Cell October 5th, during the match the lights went dark. Eerie music played and with a red spotlight and fire pyro, a 7 foot masked wrestler walked to the ring. Showing immense strength he ripped the cage door off the hinges, and shocked The Undertaker before attacking him. The sheer presentation of how Kane debuted made it even more special. 

5. Kurt Angle TNA Debut

August 25th, 2006 the wrestling world was shocked when it was announced Kurt Angle had been released from his WWE contract. Angle had been a main event pillar for WWE for six years by the point, the question became where would Angle go next?

That question was answered on the  October 19th edition of TNA Impact. During a Samoa Joe promo, Angle made his surprised debut and confronted Joe for his championship. The two went from a war of words, to a stand-off which was punctuated by a headbutt from Angle to Joe. That moment meant Angle showed everyone he was there to takeover, and fans would be in for a treat with a battle between two of the most physical wrestlers around.
4. The Radicalz interrupt RAW


In early 2000 it was apparent more than ever that WCW was going off the rails. In January of that year amid a transfer in power, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn were allowed to leave the company. Instead of the organization building around these four, especially Benoit who had just won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (which led to a debacle of a explanation on why the title was vacated). WCW opened the door for a red hot WWF to snap them up.

WWF quickly signed the foursome to a contract and they appeared on the January 31st, 2000 edition of Monday Night Raw. They appeared front row spectating a tag match between the New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn) and HeadCheese (Al Snow & Steve Blackman). Road Dogg threw a cheapshot when he landed outside the ring, which led to a savage beating by the quartet. This debut made a statement that they had something to prove, and were in the WWF to make a statement. 

3. Scott Hall Ready For War WCW Debut

May 27th, 1996 the first two hour edition of Monday Night Nitro, Scott Hall appears through the crowd.   No one knew what he was doing there as he casually interrupted a match and proceeded to cut a promo. It's always been hilarious to me how the two competitors Wayne Enos and Steve Doll just strolled out of the ring and didn't put up a fight. That may have made the debut even more exciting.

Still using his Razor Ramon mannerisms and claiming to be a outsider, he warned WCW that a "war" was coming. The internet was in it's infancy during this time so many people did not know what to make of his debut. Did Vince McMahon really send him to destroy WCW? His debut is one for the history books as it sparked the nWo storyline.                                          

2. CM Punk AEW Debut


August 20, 2021 The United Center Chicago, IL. AEW Rampage: The First Dance, it was an open secret CM Punk was returning. That didn't matter soon as the opening riff of Cult Of Personality played over the loud speaker, the building erupted.

Punk was emotional, the crowd was emotional, most of the audience at home were likely emotional. For 15 minutes Punk had everyone in the palm of his hand, as he remarked on his 7 year abscene from wrestling, his distaste for WWE and what bought him back. The honeymoon period between Punk and AEW did not last long. However, this moment was a very historical debut and one for the books. 

1. Y2J Debuts


To this day I don't think a crowd has popped that loud when someone has debuted. The internet and dirt sheets were nowhere near what it is today, but rumors abound that the millennium countdown clock appearing on WWF TV was for Chris Jericho. Sure enough August 9th, 1999 Chicago, IL in the middle of a promo from The Rock the clock counted down until hitting zero and the lights went out.

Once the beat dropped as "Break The Walls Down" played and "Jericho" appeared on the Titan Tron. The place erupted and I'm sure the building quite literally shook. Chris Jericho appeared on stage letting every one know "Y2J" had arrived. Once the fanfare calmed down, he got into a verbal spar with The Rock.

Chri Jericho admits looking back he could have done better in that moment, but of course hindsight is always 20/20. Honestly it does not matter because we the fans loved that moment and still love it to this day. The internet has mostly ruined surpise debuts but this one will forever be the best debut I've ever seen.

What kind of debuts do you prefer? The slow builds via vignettes and teases? Or the appear out of nowhere and wreck shit debut?


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